
Articles of Association


Articles of Association


Shareholder's Meeting: Exercise of right to information

You can request the information and documentation regarding the upcoming Shareholder’s Meeting Agenda by sending an email to the following email address [email protected] until 7 days before the planned meeting.

The shareholder’s request must include his/her name and surname, certifying the shares of which he/she is owner and the number of shares in his/her name provided by the entity responsible for the shareholder registry book entries, for the General Meeting in question.

Requests for information regulated in this article will be answered, once the applicant’s identity and shareholder status has been verified, before the General Meeting of shareholders.

Shareholder's Meeting: Proxy Voting

The Shareholders Meeting may be attended by shareholders whose shares have been registered in their name in the relevant shareholders registry book, five days in advance to the date on which the Shareholders Meeting will be held and their condition as shareholders must be evidenced through the following documentation:

  • Attendance, Delegation and Voting Card: The shareholders can request the Attendance, Delegation and Voting Card to the Company until five days before the date of the upcoming Shareholders Meeting by sending an email to [email protected].
  • The relevant certificate of entitlement issued by any of the entities belonging to the Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores (Iberclear) five (5) days before the Meeting date.


Our Dividend payout ratio is above 30% every year.


Board of Directors


Board of Directors Regulations

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