
Compliance programme

Our compliance programme, together with specific policies implemented by the Group, has been set up as the mechanism for the protection of commercial and business relations conducted by Quadpack Group, thereby ensuring that our functions are performed in an ethical manner and in compliance with legislation. The corporate environment and applicable legal framework is constantly changing. These changes make it necessary to include supervision and control measures that are appropriate for preventing crimes or to reduce the risk of these being committed, ensuring good practice, not only within the company's operations, but also for all those third parties that might have interactions with the company.

We have implemented the Compliance Policies based on procedures to ensure the appropriate design of organisation and management models aimed at preventing and discovering offences that could be committed in the future.

The Speak-Up Channel is one of the main sources of information for corruption detection, a fundamental component of Quadpack’s Compliance Program and our commitment with transparency and integrity.

Speak-Up Channel
Compliance programme
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