Themes not Trends: The New Roadmap
Quadpack has kicked off 2019 with exciting news from its Design and Advanced Technologies Department. New collections will now be presented within a theme-based approach, and each one expresses the needs and desires of consumers through virtual personalities.
But firstly, why themes over trends? “Trends imply a start and stop, whereas themes are a more organic evolution that research shows better represents today’s sophisticated consumer landscape,” says Katie Hoddinott, Head of Design at Quadpack.
Guided by a roadmap, this approach provides a more complete picture of how new packaging ideas can become a reality. Ideas are always intended to spark creativity and create dialogue between Quadpack and its customers. The difference now is that there is cast of personalities behind the ideas, which makes them less abstract and easier to relate to the brand’s consumers.
So what are these themes? The answer lies in four connecting directions that are driving the beauty industry.
Oracle addresses the desire for sensorial experiences. Packaging that is tactile and scented, made of wood, glass and crystal, and has a deeper meaning. Oracle carries a touch of new-age mystique and takes inspiration from wellness and traditional cures.
Our desire for a more sustainable world is addressed in the 3R’S theme. Consumers are searching for brands that help them make more ethical, greener choices with packaging that can be Reduced, Re-used and Recycled.
Shopping on your smartphone is the new normal. The Phygital theme responds to this brave new world with intelligent packaging concepts that are digital, connected, 3-D printed, and blur the lines between reality and AR.
All About Me
Gender fluidity, the ‘me generation’, customization; the All About Me theme is all about this new hyper-individualism and a playful outlook on life. It speaks to people who want to break the rules and want beauty on their own unique terms.
Quadpack will be introducing these new themes and personalities over the coming months to act as a support in opening up conversation and sparking inspiration.